Our Four Pillars


Survivors’ Secretariat is committed to amplifying the voices of Survivors and honouring their lived experiences, ensuring their truths are heard and their legacy is preserved for future generations.  

We Strive To:

  • Create a brave and supportive space where memories, experiences, and histories can be shared openly.
  • Amplify Survivors’ voices and honour their legacy for future generations.
  • Foster Nation-to-Nation dialogues with impacted communities and engage in the work associated with missing children and unmarked burial searches.
  • Foster meaningful dialogues with impacted communities.
  • Providing education and awareness and promoting our organization’s work and sharing what we learned with other organizations seeking to conduct investigations in their own communities.

Our Progress

  • Published the Knowledge is Sacred Truth is Healing Report detailing the impact of funding cuts.
  • Begun Protocol Development to Protect Lands Associated with Indian Residential Schools on lands held by Six Nations of the Grand River.
  • Permit Flagging System with City of Brantford.
  • Attended conferences nationwide related to the search for unmarked burials and missing children.
  • 7 municipalities sent letters of support for the release of documents relevant to the Mohawk Institute to Survivors’ Secretariat.

Our Challenges:

  • Applying for, reporting on, and securing new funding is a complex and time-consuming process which often strains resources. This is further hindered when funders fail to meet their committed timelines to flow funds to the organization, delaying critical work.
  • Extending advocacy efforts beyond the existing Survivor network is difficult but essential to amplifying their voices.
  • The advancing age of Survivors limits their ability to travel and participate in gatherings, complicating collective efforts.
  • Reaching potential allies who have yet to declare their support is an ongoing obstacle.