Support Survivors’ Secretariat

Your Contribution Makes a Difference

The Survivors’ Secretariat plays a vital role in uncovering the truth behind the legacy of the Mohawk Institute Indian Residential School and supporting Survivors on their courageous journeys of truth-telling and healing. Despite the essential nature of our work, funding is limited. Your donation is crucial to bridging this gap, helping us sustain and expand our work to honour and support Survivors and their communities.

Every gift, no matter the size, helps us:

Nia:weh for your support!

Stand with Survivors: Donate Today!

Your support can help amplify the voices of Survivors and strengthen efforts toward Truth and Reconciliation. Every donation, whether financial or in-kind, directly supports the vital work of the Survivors’ Secretariat.

Have questions about a donation?

Call Now: 888-597-1062

    Standing With Survivors

    The Standing with Survivors program accepts financial donations from individuals, groups and organizations who wish to bring attention to the Indian Residential School system as allies.

    How we achieve our mission:

    Standing with Survivors

    We are grateful to all of the organizations who make financial contributions or fundraise Secretariat through our Standing with Survivors Campaign.


    Your donation will help the Survivors’ Secretariat further its mandate within its four  pillars our work. 

    Document Collection & Research:

    We use records and documents to identify every student who attended the Mohawk Institute to inform if any are missing, have passed on or are unaccounted for.

    Ground Search

    We investigate potential unmarked burials by using geophysical technologies to collect data to identify grave shafts on or around the former Mohawk Institute.


    We amplify the voices of Survivors and seek their guidance on how to Bring the Children Home.  


    We will remember the legacy of those who never returned home and honour the experiences of those who survived by creating spaces to house their memories.